Sometimes I am a sucker for animal tricks and here is a perfect example. At night in Bangkok, there are baby to large-size elephants that roam the streets with a handler. There are never large groups of elephants on the streets, but rather one elephant here, another there. For a dollar, you can feed the elephant baby cucumbers, baby bananas or sugarcane and it is fantastic.
The elephants trunk comes right up to you and grabs the food. They have a very strong trunk, it is truly impressive. When you are done with your food bag, the elephant grabs the food bag from you and gives it to its handler. The elephants also do fun tricks like play the harmonica.
The best part of the nighttime Bangkok elephant experience is that they have a traffic reflector on their tail so that cars can see them when they are in the street. Andrew and I spent the better part of our evening on Saturday and Sunday following the elephants around town and spending lots of money on elephant food. We took some pictures which we will try to post when we can download them.
Elephants are now my #2 favorite animal, following cool cats #1