Thursday, December 27, 2007

Rude American? Not in Vietnam

The Vietnamese people are very pushy. This isn't to say they are mean, but it is a simple cultural difference. There is no such thing as a line or waiting your turn in Vietnam. If people want something, they just go ahead and push till they get it. If you are in their way, they just push you aside. This has become evident to me at the airport, at stories, buying museum tickets and in the way they drive.
While we were standing in line at the airport to check-in, people kept pushing past us and cutting in line. At first I thought there was a reason behind this, but there was none other than "to each his own." While I was looking at a shirt in a store, a woman pushed me aside and grabbed the same shirt. After a few instances of this, Andrew and I have finally figured it out and are doing some pushing and cutting of our own and let me tell you it feels good. Amen! So to sum up, I want to say that I don't think there can be a thing such as a rude American in Vietnam because that is the way things flow.

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