Teaching at an international school has been a really good experience. The students are for the most part well-behaved, studious and curious about what they are learning. There are always a few trouble makers and a few clowns but this makes the class interesting.
Our school is run on a block schedule, which I really enjoy. What this means is that classes are one hour and 40 minutes in length compared to the normal 50 minute schedule. In the high school there are A days and B days. On my A days I teach 3 blocks of 100 minutes, one US History section, one Freshman English section and a Dance elective. On my B days I see different students entirely and teach two classes, I have a different US History section and a different English section. I feel that block scheduling really allows a teacher to focus more indepth on a subject as well as allow for a variety of activities to take place within one class.
Here are some photos from my classroom: Note the studious expressions on my students faces. Angels, right?
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