Monday, September 10, 2007

Club versus Sport

At school, you either have to coach a sport or do a club, so I had my first yoga-stretch and strengthen club today. Only 5 students showed up butwe had a good time! I am also going to do the choreography later this year for the school musical Annie "It's a Hard-Knock life for us."
Andrew is not doing a club, but he is going to be a coach. And yes, you guessed it….drum roll please, Andrew is going to be the new Badminton Coach!!!
No, he has never played badminton, but now is a great time to learn. I guess it is very competitive here. Some weird sports are popular in Asia, like professional cup stacking. Little 12year olds compete to stack 3 sets of 3 cups each and destack them in the shortest amount of time possible. I think the record is around 2.3 seconds. Andrew ordered a book off of Amazon about coaching Badminton, which my mom is going to give us when we see her in Italy. Whenever I imagine Andrew coaching, I think of the movie Dodgeball and Andrew being both Ben Stiller the coach and Vince Vaughn the coach. It is sure to be an interesting year for the team!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is the funniest thing ever!!!! Really.....I just got done laughing. I am sooo glad you are are such a good writer!!!!!! Andrew as a coach really cracks me up...def a mix between vince and ben.hehehhheheheheh