Sunday, September 23, 2007

Rainy day movie day

Its been raining all weekend, so on Saturday, Andrew and I finally bought a DVD player. Yahoo! Most teachers have one and they're great for Myanmar for watching movies or catching up on an entire series of a television show. The average price for one is around $35-$40. The average price of buying a DVD here is about $1.
I've never been a big television watcher and neither is Andrew, unless of course the history channel is on, but we get very few channels here so it will be nice to pop in a movie from time to time or watch an episode of "The Office," when the mood strikes me.
Fun Fact: These are the channels we get.
1-CNN news Asia
2-BBC world news
3-Japanese news in Japanese
4-Korean news in Korean
6-Star movie channel
7-ESPN Asia, which is all soccer all the time
8-Star Sports, more soccer
9-Sports channel, more soccer
10-Discovery Channel (this is pretty good but they do a lot of repeat shows)
11-DW Deutsche Welle
12-Japanese Channel
13-Another Korean Channel
14-Burmese Monk Chanting Channel (all monks, all chanting, all the time)

So, the pickings can be slim at times. Because movies and tv shows are so inexpensive, many people have a large collection of them. We have plundered through our friend's Matt's collection. And this is what we have on temporary loan. The 5th season of 6 Feet Under (We have both seen it but it is so amazing), BBC series about life on Planet Earth (a lot of great nature documentaries), a 16-in-one movie DVD (Which is 16 movies somehow crammed onto one DVD-this one has Godfather I and II, Silence of the Lambs, and a lot of other scary movies), Lord of the Rings, and a movie about WWII called Letters from Iwo Jima.

Overall life is pretty good here. The one thing we do miss, Andrew especially, is watching football on Sunday. Da Packers! Asia is soccer obsessed, along with the rest of the world, and American football is hard to find. Some of the men at our Hotel are even looking into buying a satellite dish just to get the football season in. Desperation people, serious desperation!

On an unrelated note, as we were channel flipping over a leisurely Saturday breakfast, we came across a Brewers vs Braves game. Very exciting for us Wisconsinites! I am sad to report though that no sausage race was shown.


commonprsn said...

Are you guys watching the new season of Curb your enthusiam on HBO? Its pretty, pretty, pretttty good.

Unknown said...

Hi guys...We're thinking of you these days, the news is a little scary...hope you are well. The Pack is 3-0! The Brewers are about to make the playoffs! But it's all the same shit. Enjoy your experience, you'll never forget it! It's looking like Cecile will be transfered to Kohler in Milan, Italy! We will probably move in January...We will keep in touch. Of course you're welcome to visit anytime...Keep safe and take care.